Planning Meals (or end up with three different kinds of rice)

In the never ending attempt to be a healthier person I’m actually going to plan my dinners this week. Is this what healthy people do? Even if it isn’t I have read in numerous places that planning your meals helps save money and keeps junk food out of the home. Without justifying this to myself anyfurthers, this is what I have planned to eat this week.

Monday: Chipotle Style Burrito Bowls

Tuesday & Wednesday: Vegetarian Chili

Thursday: Tomato Baked Eggs

Friday: Chickpea Bolognese

The recipes are largely tomato based but I wanted to go low carb and low fat to really try and be as healthy as possible during the trial week. Each meal is also meat free and each can be modified to be vegan (minus the Tomato Baked Eggs). Tomorrow I will post the shopping list of the things I need to buy and a list of what you would need to buy if you didn’t have any of the ingredients on hand already. As I prepare the meals I will make posts with recipes and one final post explaining whether this meal planning thing actually worked for me. I have to be honest and say that I really hope I enjoy this. I love to cook and try new recipes and about the only thing that keeps me from doing that more is lack of planning. I figured Saturday and Sunday can be left open for now but if this planning this goes really well then I might as well make it 7 days a week. I guess we’ll see.

❤ Steph